onsdag den 14. november 2007

Pilsner (Steam beer) on track

Iv wanted to brew a beer for my wife ever since I started, so im gonna have a try with a golden "Pilsner" beer. But im doing it a bit different. Normally you use a yeast that works at 5-10 C, but I cant duplicate that temperature, so im going to use a yeast for 20 C. Its not "correct" to do it this way, but its worth a try.

Recipes can be found at http://www.haandbryg.dk/cgi-bin/beercalc.cgi - search for "Becks" in the "name" field.

onsdag den 7. november 2007

New beer on bottle!

It was so much fun brewing the Christmas beer, that I brewed a new one with my neighbor.
We went for an Ale and it was really funny.

Tasting only 10 days after bottling demonstrated a fresh but dark beer - easy to enjoy!

torsdag den 1. november 2007

The beers just keeps on coming

My wife gave me a present for our wedding anniversary....a brewing course and I attended it today. It was GREAT fun and a great learning experience into the bio and chemical things at work when you brew beer.